Domain Motions: Protein Dynamics seen by Neutron Spinecho Spectroscopy
Welcome to a LINXS webinar talk with Ralf Biehl from the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science.
He will present examples for different types of motions related to the structure of proteins and bioconjugates. Thermal unfolded Ribonuclease A shows polymer like dynamics despite the 4 disulfide bonds restricting the degrees of freedom. Prior to full unfolding the protein unfolding dynamics is observed. Polyelectrolytes have structural and dynamical similarities with IDP. The domain protein Phosphoglycerate kinase shows a hinge motion between the main domains related to function. PEGylation seems not to influence this domain motion but adds additional internal dynamics in the protein-polymer complex. Antibodies present a strong dynamics due to the short linkers connecting the Fc with the Fab domains. The observed dynamics is related to internal forces, solvent friction and the role of charge screening.
The event is part of Antibodies in Solution: a LINXS - NIST webinar series.
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josefin [dot] martell [at] linxs [dot] lu [dot] se